Friday, April 25, 2008

Upcoming Bach Cantata Choir concert

This Sunday, April 27th, at 2 pm the Bach Cantata Choir will sing three works at Rose City Park Presbyterian Church. You can hear one of Bach's rare motets, "Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden" (Praise the Lord, All Ye Nations, BWV 230), and two cantatas: Cantata #6: Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden (Bide with Us, for it will soon be Evening) and Cantata #66: Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen (Rejoice All Ye Spirits). Ralph Nelson leads the 40+ voices of the choir in concert that lasts a little longer than an hour. Donations are accepted.

Rose City Park Presbyterian Church is located at NE 44th and Sandy. The concert starts at 2 pm.

1 comment:

  1. A fun feature of tomorrow's concert is the appearance of two period-specific instruments, the piccolo cello and the portative organ.

    I've never seen a piccolo cello before the dress rehearsal today, but it's fascinating...looks like it's about half-way between the viola and the cello in size, and sounds to me almost like a bigger, burlier viola. Max Fuller, a newcomer from Phoenix, will be playing that tomorrow.

    John Vergin, our accompanist and the keyboardist for the BCC Chamber Orchestra, plays the portative organ. It is just what it says, a portable pipe organ. In Bach's time, it came with a boy to work the hand-bellows, but this one has a silent electric pump. It's great because you can get an authentic pipe-organ sound when a full-sized instrument isn't available.
