Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Music and dance critic Paul Horsley let go from Kansas City Star

Horsley has just informed his fellow MCANA (Music Critics Association of North America) members that his position at the Kansas City Star has been eliminated. The Kansas City Star is part of the McClatchy newspaper chain. To read about the layoffs, click here. Horsley is on the board of the MCANA.


  1. As a long-time resident of Kansas City and an avid arts supporter with season tickets to the opera and the symphony, it is with great sadness and indignation that I heard about the KC Star's actions in letting Paul Horsely go. He was the most talented and knowledgeable critic the paper had, and seemingly covered everything! A hard worker and a true arts aficionado!

  2. Thanks for your comment Phyllis. I rode with Paul on the way to the airport after the conference, and he had been notified ahead of time that layoffs were coming down the pike, but he didn't know who would be cut. He has an evenhanded way of looking at things, so I hope that he lands on his feet. I don't know if he'll be able to launch his own blog on the arts in the KC area. Sometimes, newspapers make people sign agreements that are restrictive about such things.
