Thursday, June 28, 2007

Drew McManus reveals all - salaries of music directors, executive directors and more

If you want to know how much the music directors of major league and minor league orchestral organizations make, then you should take a look at Drew McManus' blog, Adaptistration. For example at the top of the pile among music director, you'll find Loren Maazel checking in a $2,638,940. For the executive directors Deborah Borah of the Los Angeles Philharmonic pulled in a cool $1,325,542.

The report also covers base pay for musicians, orchestra budgets, and percentage of increases or decreases over the previous year.

Read for yourselves...
Music Director compensation

Executive Director compensation

The compensation for music directors of regional orchestras is here.

The compensation for executive directors of regional orchestras is here.

1 comment:

  1. James, thanks for posting this information. It shows the wide disparity for salaries at different cities. For example, $105K might sound like a decent wage the average member, but not in NYC.

    OSO's ave $38K salary/member seems low.
