Saturday, May 13, 2023

Kalmar subject of Title IX investigation

The Chicago Tribune has reported that Carlos Kalmar, former music director of the Oregon Symphony is under investigation for sexual harassment at the Cleveland Institute of Music where he is director of orchestral studies and the conducting program. 

The Willamette Week has also reported it:

1 comment:

  1. Very sorry to hear about these allegations. I attended many rehearsals and concerts during the Kalmar years. He was very efficient in rehearsals and outstanding in concert. I remember many great concerts with Kalmar at the helm of the orchestra. I was fortunate to talk to Kalmar a number of times. He struck me as friendly and personable. There is no question in my mind that he substantially raised the playing standards of the Oregon Symphony. I hope the allegations in Cleveland are untrue. If the investigation establishes some wrongdoing, it would most certainly bring an end to a fine career in classical music. That would be tragic.
