This Friday at Portland Opera's "Rigoletto," six bloggers will record their thoughts about Verdi's famous melodrama. They have been invited by Portland Opera to participate in this first ever Blogger Night @ The Opera. Six local bloggers will receive a back stage tour, attend the opening night performance of "Rigoletto," and then blog about their experience from the Keller Auditorium lobby before, during intermission and after the show. (Vancouver Opera recently tried this idea and, from the online postings, it looked like a successful endevor.)
Each blogger’s individual posts will appear on their own websites
simultaneously. The bloggers are:
- Julie Grauert, host of KPTV's Good Day Oregon (http://www.kptv.com/newsteam/14246159/detail.html)
- Mike Russell of CulturePulp (culturepulp.typepad.com)
- Dieselboi of OurPDXNetwork (ourpdx.com)
- Brandon Hartley of another portland blog (anotherportlandblog.com)
- Geoff Kleinman of On Portland (onpdx.com)
- Someone from BikePortland.org - which already has a great posting about oprea singers on bicycles
The links to each blog will also be available at the Portland Opera website (portlandopera.org).
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