Stephen Llewellyn, Portland Opera's official blogger and a lawyer by trade, recently won the #Operplot's twitter contest, claimed the top prize and then gave it to a music teacher he has never met. How cool is that!
Today's Washington Post has the entire scoop, plus quotes from Llewellyn and the Washington D.C. schoolteacher who will receive his prize.
In case you don't have time to read it, here's the outcome as quoted from the article:
"Priscilla Barrow, who has taught music in D.C. public schools for 22 years, learned Monday, out of the blue, that she will be going to the final performance of "Turandot" at the Washington National Opera on June 4 and, the next night, the company's annual Opera Ball at the German Embassy. In a ball gown provided by the opera's costume shop."
Hats off to Llewellyn!
Update: Llewellyn just posted his account of how this all happened. Click here.
This story just makes me so happy.....Mr. Llewellyn isn't just a cool dude....he's a superhero!
ron blessinger
Hear hear!
Thank you all for your kind words. This whole thing has been the most gratifying trip. I have had the pleasure of speaking to Priscilla several times and she is a wonderful lady. I spoke to her this morning and told her :
"After the performance on 4th June, you are to be taken backstage to Maestro Domingo's dressing room because he would like the opportunity to thank you personally for the work you do - and of course there will be pictures!"
Her response?
"I need to remember that when ever I am to speak with you I need to be sitting down!!"
Put shortly, she is gratifyingly thrilled!
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