Monday, August 12, 2024

Another wrinkle at the University of Oregon

Mark Mandel point out this news item from Norman Lebrecht's Slipped Disc:

If you search for ‘Oregon’ you will find a catalogue of musical incompetence unmatched in a ny other US uinversity. Things have gone a bit quiet since they fired the excellent Matthew Halls as Artistic Director of the Oregon Bach Festival. So it’s reassuring to report that the hopeless Oregonians have just struck again.

A local mole informs us:

It seems the university has struck again by somehow forcing out a prominent musician and broadcaster, Peter Van de Graff. In 2016, when Van de Graff came from WFMT to KWAX, which operates under a license owned by the university, the local classical audience was charmed by his enthusiasm for the community and grateful for his professional and artistic contributions to the local classical music scene. KWAX is a community supported station but, as I understand it, the funds are administered by the university. During Van de Graff’s tenure as Music Director, the fund drives were shortened from weeks to just one or two days due his enthusiasm and to timely and generous giving. Many pledges came from internet listeners, some even from abroad.

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